Common Mistakes Made During Aluminium Fence Installation

12 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Aluminium fences are very popular with homeowners since they are cheaper, lightweight, durable and corrosion-resistant. Nonetheless, like any other construction project, aluminium fences must be correctly installed to ensure that the installation is sound, and can last for the requisite amount of time. Whether you're doing it yourself or bringing professionals to do the job, watch out for these common mistakes which can affect the lifespan of your fence.

Not having suitable property markers

Lack of property markers prior to installing an aluminium fence can be very costly for you. You may install the fence around your perceived property only to be told that you've over- or under-stepped your boundaries, and you have to start over. Bring in a licensed surveyor to measure out your property and install stakes. Take video footage and photos as evidence of the surveyor's work. Keep safely and retrieve in case the stakes are moved/removed. You can now use the stakes to calculate your fencing perimeter so that you appropriately budget for the fence.

Not planning properly

Like every other home improvement project, installing a new aluminium fence or replacing an old one should be carefully thought out. Even before you go online to look at your options, you should have a project plan detailing aspects like budget, perimeter width, council regulations and installation timelines. You can ask a professional to help you create one if you don't know what to do. Once you start shopping online and offline, having these details at your fingertips will enable you to get better information from vendors.

Not Investigating Local council and zoning laws

Even before you embark on a perimeter fencing project, you should find out whether or not you are permitted to build fences there. Talk to your local council office to find out if there are certain specifications you must abide by in terms of style, materials and colours. Installing a fence which contravenes local ordinances can be very costly, because you'll be asked to pull it down and all the work will have been for nought.

Not accounting for underground utilities

Before taking a spade to the ground, ensure that you are aware of the underground utilities going through your property, and how your aluminium fencing will affect them. Talk to your local council office so they can point you in the direction of a person who knows the underground mapping of your property.

For proper installation, at least one third of aluminium posts' height should be installed underground, and gate posts can go as deep as 30 inches for added stability. Don't start digging before you know what's underneath your property.