What Are the Benefits of Reflective Composite Roof Insulation?

28 February 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


You should put some thought into the type of insulation you install in your roof space or attic. If you choose the right product with the right features, then your insulation becomes much more effective.

While regular single-type insulation works well in some homes, you can also use a reflective composite product. How does this insulation work and why should you use it?

What Is Reflective Composite Roof Insulation?

If you install standard insulation in your roof space or attic, then you typically use one type of material. For example, you might use bulk products such as polyester or wool batts. Or, you might go for thinner reflective foil materials.

If you decide to use a reflective composite, then you combine two different types of insulation into one product. This usually involves the use of bulk and reflective insulation materials.

For example, a reflective insulation material could have a bulk material core with an additional foil layer. The foil is attached to the bulk product. It might be stuck on to the top or bottom of the bulk insulation or to multiple sides.

What Are the Advantages of Reflective Composite Insulation?

 All roof insulation materials have their strengths. However, they also all have some weaknesses.

For example, bulk insulation uses air pockets to control heat. The insulation prevents your home from getting too hot in summer by trapping heat coming in from your roof. It keeps your home warmer in cold weather by preventing heat from leaving the building through your roof.

While effective, these materials can run into problems. For example, a leak might waterlog and compress a bulk material. It might then lose some of its efficiency.

Or, if you install a reflective material, then you get a different way of managing heat retention and loss. Here, your insulation is made from shiny materials like foil. They reflect heat away from the rest of your home. They are also more moisture resistant and won't compress.

However, reflective products also have some downsides. They aren't as good at keeping heat inside a building as bulk products. They don't work as well in very cold weather.

If you use composite reflective insulation, then you harness the strengths of bulk and reflective materials and lose some of their weaknesses. Your insulation will be more effective at keeping the heat in and out in different temperatures. It will last longer without getting damaged and losing efficiency.

Before you make a final decision on the insulation you'll use, ask residential insulation specialists for advice. They can help you choose and install the most effective solution.

For more information on residential insulation, contact a professional near you.